Where are they now?
Tracking the results of Sunrayce 95 is easy
with the help of a phone, fax or computer
We want to keep our sponsors, media partners, advisors, and U of M connections informed of our daily progress during the race. Here's how you can learn the latest from Sunrayce 95:
We'll provide faxed daily updates to our sponsors, the University of Minnesota Relations office, and our media connections. These updates will include the day's events and the team's current overall position in the race.
Call Cityline at 645-6060 to access automated updates. Our category is SUN1(7861).
You'll have easy access to the current race status through daily phone updates from the Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Just call 303-384-6735.
If you have access to the Internet, you can check out our World Wide Web page. We'll update our Web home page daily with our current position and a recap of the day's events. You'll find us at: http://www.umn.edu/umnsvp. Daily updates will be under Sunrayce 95 Daily Standings.
Information for the media is available by calling 303-275-4090.