It Takes More Than Hard Work
To Scare These Students Away

The cool, fall air and longer nights can only mean one thing...Halloween was approaching!

Like other trick-or-treaters, the Solar Vehicle Project team members were busy preparing their costumes for this October event.

But unlike the usual ghouls and goblins, the truly hideous SVP team members were not just some figment of imagination. These were actual sleep-deprived college students who had been working on a solar car. (You might have seen them knocking on your door, asking for solar cells.)

To ensure that the logistics team members looked and felt their best for All Saint's Day, we created one ofthe most ambitious critical path schedules possible to complete the manufacturing process for the composite shell of the car.

This schedule included obtaining materials, engineering the final shape, running a computational fluid dynamic analysis of the final design, generating tool paths, constructing the supporting frame and mold structures, CNCing the molds, and laying up and post curing the shell.

We asked team members to stay on schedule while attending classes and working to pay for tuition - a truly scary proposition!

Trick or Treat!

Charles Habermann