An update from the drivers
Over the past two days, we've been driving along the three-day race route in one of our vans. All of us are in agreement that the countryside is beautiful. The first day's route takes us down the southern coastline almost all day, while the second heads up into some mountainous territory to the north, and the third day decends back down to the northern coast and then back to Kaohsiung University. We had a a great time just taking in the sights and snapping pictures. The changes in terrain means that each day has it's own special challenges. Day one is mostly uphill on tight, two-lane roads, day two is steep uphills and even steeper downhills on wide open four-lane freeways, and the third day is generally flat.
We can't wait to get out on the road and see what we (and Borealis III) can do.
-Adem Rudin
September 14, 2006