Winter Fundraising

Hello SVP fans!

We wrapped up the new student familiarization process a few weeks ago and are diving headfirst into the design of the team's next car. However, we're not going to be able to build a car if we don't have the cash to do so.

Our first big milestone is ordering the solar cells for the car; ideally, we'd like to be doing this by the end of February. We'd like to raise $20,000 by that date, so that we have enough money to purchase the cells and still have some breathing room/operating cash on hand.

We would love to hear for you if you think your employer is interested in sponsoring the team; or if you want to make a small personal donation, we would love you to download the Adopt-A-Cell form to send in with your donation. Only $10/cell, a real bargain!

-Adem Rudin