Aurora-II Team Gears up for Sunrayce 95
The University of Minnesota Solar Vehicle Project had been busy since Sunrayce 93. Immediately following the 1100 mile race from Texas to Minnesota, the team began design of the Sunrayce 95 entry, Aurora II.
With the design of Aurora II underway, the structure of the project also took on a new look. The project is now divided into the following teams: Aero/Shell, Array, Electrical, Mechanical, Logistics, and Fundraising. The project also consists of Co-Project Managers, divided into Business Manager and Technical Manager. With this new structure and many dedicated team members we plan to have and exciting year of solar car construction and a great time racing from Indianapolis, Ind., to Golden Col., in Sunrayce 95.
One new addition to the Solar Vehicle Project last Winter was the formation of the Executive Advisory Board. This Advisory Board consists of eleven mentors, highly regarded in industry. These mentors lend advice, expertise and support which will inspire the team to be the best it can and achieve the goal of winning Sunrayce 95.
The Solar Vehicle Project had adopted a new image this fall thanks to the hard work of the University Ad Club. The Ad Club designed a logo, stationary, and newsletter.
This newsletter is just the first chapter in what we hope will tell an exciting tale of Aurora II and the members of the Solar Vehicle Project. Keep a lookout for future newsletters.
Sunrayce 95 begins June 20, 1995, in Indianapolis, Ind. and continues to Golden, Col. The race is expected to last ten days. In the previous race, the course ran from Arlington, Tex. to Minneapolis, Minn.
Jessica Gallagher