ASC 2010 Scrutineering: Day 4
Today was the final day of scrutineering. As we've been done since midway through yesterday, there's not much to report on our front. We've mostly been going through final preparations for the Formula Sun Gran Prix, the three day track event that starts tomorrow. The track event serves as a qualifier for the main road race, as well as being a final test of the cars abilities before they are set loose on the highway.
On the other hand, we've been keeping busy helping other teams. Through sheer force of will, Sam and the rest of our electrical team, the Germans, and a few other people have managed to get Kaohsiung's electrical system up to speed with the ASC safety rules, and our mechanical guys have managed to build a proper should harness mount for them. We believe that the team from Taiwan will be able to get out on the road with the rest of us.
Jessica, Alex, and Jon spent most of their day working to get Oregon State through mechanical inspection, as well as driver egress. Unfortunately, when they got up to dynamic testing, they suffered a catastrophic failure of welds in both of their titanium uprights. They are attempting to repair both of them, but they're going to miss the first day of Formula Sun, at the very least.
When all is said and done, 10 cars will be on the starting line tomorrow at 9am, out of the 15 cars down here in Cresson. We wish the best of luck to all of our competitors!
-Adem Rudin
Senior Crew Chief
June 15, 2010
Thanks for the updates; I'm passing them along to family and friends and we are all rooting for you! You ROCK, especially in the way you are helping other teams get ready.
Posted by: Judy Hawkinson | June 16, 2010 8:53 AM
I'm so proud of you guys and gals! Wish I could be in Texas to watch and cheer. Thanks for the Twitter updates - almost feels like we're there.
Posted by: Jeanne LaMoore | June 16, 2010 6:01 PM
Well done team! I'm rooting for you every time I check all the updates and blogs, which is several times a day! Enjoy the barbecue and have a GREAT race!
Posted by: Lynn Jacobs | June 19, 2010 9:41 AM